Exploring Sex & Relationships

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Plus Members = $250 | Core Members = $300 | Company Group Members = $250 | Non-Members = $350

One registration is required for the full 10-week series. Registration will close 9/14/2024.

This 10 week series led by Jayme Bergman will be an educational overview on sexual health, dating, and relationship skills. The first 5 weeks will cover sexual health topics including consent, sexual orientation, STIs, and avoiding unwanted pregnancy. The second 5 weeks will cover the social skills and dynamics of dating and relationships. This will include topics like decision making and communication skills, gauging romantic interest, and dating dynamics. By the end of this course, participants should feel more confident in being their own sexual self-advocates.

Jayme earned her degree in Human Development and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from Binghamton University in 2018. Jayme has been volunteering at Main Street since May of 2022 and she became a sex educator through the Elevatus Training Curriculum.


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