Friday Vibes: Peace Vibes!

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Join us for Friday Vibes! This week’s theme is peace; join us for a peacebuilding icebreaker, followed by dinner and peace-themed activities led by Mama Peace herself! Dinner this week will be grilled chicken, roasted veggies, and salad from Gregorio’s.

Information and FAQS

Location and Times:

  • 5:00PM to 5:30PM – Icebreaker Activity
  • 5:30PM to 6:50PM – Dinner and Peace Activities
  • 6:50PM to 7:00PM – Wind Down Discussion and Clean-Up


  • Craft peace-themed wreaths and hearts with colored paper!
  • Decorate the patio outside Poppy Boy’s with tons of different colored chalk!
  • Engage in discussion about peacemaking in our communities.


  • Grilled chicken, roasted vegetables, and salad.
  • There will be a gluten free option for those that request it!


Important: The deadline for ordering dinner is 12pm on Friday.

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