Main Street Ambassador Program

The Main Street Ambassador Program is a new volunteer initiative where active Main Street PLUS members foster inclusivity by assisting new members, supporting membership outreach, and ensuring a welcoming environment for all.  

What do ambassadors do?  

Ambassadors’ tasks include the following:  

  • Attend Main Street programs with new members  
  • Assist with Main Street membership tours and new member orientations  
  • Attend fairs and presentations to share information about Main Street and membership opportunities  
  • Write welcome cards to new members  
  • Help with other membership-related tasks

Ambassadors will work directly with the Membership and Volunteer Manager. 

What are the requirements to be an ambassador?

Main Street ambassadors must be: 

  • An active and engaged PLUS member of Main Street  
  • Willing to participate in ambassador training  
  • Available to volunteer at least 10-15 hours per month for six consecutive months
  • Reliable and consistent – arriving on time and following through with volunteer commitments 
  • Able to take initiative and show enthusiasm for Main Street’s mission

How do I become an ambassador?  

The steps for becoming a part of the Main Street Ambassador Program are as follows: 

  1. Apply for the program to share your interests and skills.
  2. Wait to hear from a Main Street staff member about whether we have ambassador opportunities available that match your interests and availability. If a match does not currently exist, Main Street will hold onto your application and reach out when an opportunity becomes available.
  3. Attend an ambassador training session. 

After completing these steps, ambassadors can get started and be a part of building Main Street’s welcoming and inclusive community!  

If you are interested in becoming an ambassador, please contact us.

Main Street members at picnic table
Main Street member singing at Springfest
Main Street members at Friday Vibes Party
Main Street member and intern at Main Street program
Joe and Ben at Main Street
Main Street staff at Juneteenth 2023