Located in Rockville, Maryland, Main Street is an affordable, accessible, inclusive apartment building and a membership-based community center for adults of all abilities. We educate and advocate for inclusive communities where all people can find a sense of belonging. Main Street is changing lives and changing minds through inclusion. Here is how we are making that happen.

1. By Providing Inclusive Living Opportunities

Located in Rockville, Maryland, the Main Street building has 70 apartments, 75% of which are affordable and 25% of which are specifically designated for individuals with varying special needs. Details about the apartments are available at LivingAtMainStreet.com.

2. By Inviting Everyone into Our Community

Main Street provides much more than housing. Through membership that is open to residents and non-residents, we provide connection and enrichment through social, educational, cultural and wellness programs. Everyone – regardless of age, stage, ability or socioeconomic status – is invited to join the inclusion movement and be a part of our spectacular community. With multiple membership options, there is something for everyone!

3. By Changing Mindsets

By being a part of Main Street, our community learns how inclusion looks and feels. We create opportunities for people of all abilities – residents, members, parents, siblings, donors, volunteers and professional partners – to learn and grow together. This is not charity – this is a genuine community in which all have an opportunity to contribute and all have a place to belong. We believe that people without disabilities have as much to gain from being a part of an inclusive community as do those with disabilities.

4. By Promoting “Bring Your Own Independence”

Bring Your Own IndependenceMain Street’s philosophy of inclusion is called “Bring Your Own Independence” (BYOI). Main Street is not a service provider and does not provide 1:1 support. Residents and members are encouraged to bring with them whatever and whomever they need to help them fully access and enjoy the benefits of living at Main Street and/or being a member. Learn more about Main Street’s BYOI approach, all that Main Street offers to residents and members and what we cannot offer on our BYOI webpage.

5. By Evaluating and Sharing Our Results with Others

Main Street partnered with the University of Maryland to measure our impact on the quality of life of Main Street residents with and without disabilities and family members. Main Street also worked with a private evaluation firm, Sharp Insight, to design data collection systems and tools that support Main Street in monitoring the quality and impact of our membership program. Main Street’s research and evaluation efforts are helping us improve our model and empowering us to share our model with those seeking to create similar solutions.

6. By Creating a Committed Team

Main Street has brought together a dedicated and creative team – including staff, board and volunteers – who are committed to changing the landscape of housing and community engagement for people with disabilities. Get to know our staff and board here.

Main Street 2023 Community Report

2023 Main Street Annual Report

It’s a feeling! Enjoy highlights from Main Street in our 2023 Community Report. This report includes our generous donors from November 2022 to October 2023.