Dear Main Street Members,

Today Montgomery County is in phase 1 of reopening from the closures caused by the Coronavirus….exciting stuff!

I am curious to see who we will be “on the other side” of this virus. Perhaps we will be more appreciative of the freedom to move around freely and visit a store or restaurant? Maybe we will be more patient with others?

Perhaps we will all dive in and fill the void of human connection we have missed over these last few months? Will we make plans enthusiastically, gather with friends and family, maybe even share a meal or a physical hug?

For my last Corona letter, I am asking our members, our donors and all in our community for two things. The first is to reflect deeply on this time at home, the feeling of disconnect and isolation — of detachment from community. For many of us this is temporary. We are lucky. But for many of our Main Streeters and others living with disabilities around the globe, this feeling of isolation has been felt for many years, and for some, a lifetime. Tim Shriver, Chair of Special Olympics, sums it up perfectly in this article.

So, the first thing I ask you to do, is to imagine a world where you feel disconnected and lonely every day. Imagine a world where you don’t have opportunity to learn, to grow, to connect and maybe most importantly, to belong?

Belongingness is the human emotional need to be an accepted member of a group. Whether it is family, friends, co-workers, a religion or something else, people tend to have an inherent desire to belong and be an important part of something greater than themselves.

BELONGING is an essential human need!

Main Street was created to provide a place for all of us to belong – a place to connect the disconnected and lonely – to provide opportunities, to share kindness, to build an inclusive, accepting community where everyone is valued.

The second call to action is to imagine how you can THINK more inclusively – how you can see value in all people regardless of race, ability, age. Main Street isn’t just about changing lives — it is also about changing mindsets. How can you connect to others – perhaps to others who are disconnected? Not sure how to do this? You can start right here, right now…right @ Main Street.

I promise if you do, your life will be enhanced by a bright, cheerful, supportive and positive community. I promise you will learn new things and feel a sense of pride and belonging. I believe by being a part of something bigger than ourselves, we enhance the lives of others AND our own lives and minds in a profound way. It is time to think and be inclusive! Join us and be a part of Main Street.


Join us for our Virtual Summer Membership launch on June 5!

Join us for our Virtual Ribbon cutting will be held in July (Date TBA, but hoping for July).

Join us for our Main Street fall membership in September! (Physical and Virtual fun for all!)

Specifics on all of our upcoming programming and events, as well as registration information, will be sent in our Monthly Connect on Friday, June 5.

Lastly, thank you for taking the time to read my Friday “Corona” letters. I hope my reflections helped you through this challenging time and helped you feel connected, positive and hopeful.

With Hope, Love and Good Health To All…AND, excitement for our Main Street future together!
