Main Street Volunteer Crew

Would you like to help further Main Street’s vision of a world where people of all abilities thrive together? If so, consider joining the Main Street Volunteer Crew! Volunteers commit to helping at Main Street on a regular basis for a least six months, and receive support and training to make their volunteer work an enriching experience. Will you join us?

What does the Volunteer Crew do?

The Volunteer Crew is for those who do not regularly participate in Main Street programs. Currently, our greatest need is for volunteers to support staff and engage with members of all abilities during our programs.

(We are also seeking existing Main Street PLUS members to volunteer as ambassadors to help new members and others feel welcome. Click here to get details about the Main Street Ambassador Program.)

What are the requirements to join the Volunteer Crew?

To be in Main Street’s Volunteer Crew, volunteers must be:

  • 18 years old or older
  • Open and enthusiastic to support Main Street’s mission of inclusion for people of all abilities
  • Willing to learn about and follow principles of universal design when supporting programs
  • Willing to complete a background check and participate in volunteer training
  • Available to volunteer for at least six consecutive months
  • Willing to complete electronic time sheets to support Main Street staff
  • Reliable and consistent – arriving on time and following through with volunteer commitment

Family members who volunteer for programs will be expected to engage with all participants.

What is the time commitment?

Those who join the Volunteer Crew select a schedule that works best for them. The options are:

  • Weekly volunteers commit to attending one or more programs on a weekly basis.
  • Monthly volunteers review the list of Main Street needs each month and volunteer for at least one program or event each month.

Programs vary in length from 45 minutes to 3 hours, so volunteering for a program involves working from 1 to 3 hours.

Whether volunteering on a weekly or monthly basis, we ask for a six-month commitment.

How do I join the Volunteer Crew?

The steps for becoming a part of the Volunteer Crew are as follows:

  1. Complete the Main Street Volunteer Interest Form to share your interests and skills.
  2. Wait to hear from a Main Street staff member about whether we have volunteer opportunities available that match your interests and availability. If a match does not currently exist, Main Street will hold onto your application and reach out when an opportunity becomes available.
  3. If you are new to Main Street, observe a program to learn about our community.
  4. Complete a background check.
  5. Attend a volunteer training session.

After completing these steps, volunteers can get started and be a part of building Main Street’s welcoming and inclusive community!

Main Street volunteer and member at Friday Vibes
Four people cooking in Poppy Boy's Kitchen at Main Street
Sharon and volunteers at Volunteer Brunch
Check in table at Juneteenth 2023 at Main Street
Main Street member and intern at Main Street program
Community service on Juneteenth 2023 | Main Street

Reflections from a Main Street Volunteer...

“I work every day so by Friday evening there’s a small part of me that just wants to go home and sit on the couch. But then I come to Friday Vibes at Main Street and I always feel better and more energized. People can get wrapped up in their own stress, and it just feels so grounding here. When you have these real human experiences and positive interactions, it’s like, oh my gosh, those things I was worrying about aren’t really that important.”

– Volunteer Danielle Bersch