In celebration of the 1st Anniversary of our Ribbon Cutting, we are excited to present “Belonging” an art exhibit featuring the artwork of 15 members of all abilities. The exhibit shows many different mediums including painting, music, photography and digital art.

We invite you to visit the gallery and spend time with each work of art.

  1. Look: Take time to look at the work of art for 30 seconds.
  2. Describe: Talk about what you see in the work of art.
  3. Think: What do you think the work is about? What is the artist trying to share?
  4. Connect: What does the art remind you of? Does it relate to your own life?

We hope this exhibit gives you an even deeper understanding of Main Street and the people who make it so special.

Click here to view a slideshow of the art in the exhibition and here for a sample of the music that is part of the exhibition.