My name is David Godoy and I was born with cerebral palsy in Ecuador in South America. I came to the United States for better education and better opportunities with my mom and sisters in 1995, and my father joined us later in 1998. Living with cerebral palsy is not easy but not impossible. I overcome many obstacles and barriers in order for my goals and dreams to come true. I am an athlete for Special Olympics Maryland. I participate in swimming, cycling, snowshoe, sailing, dancing. I am also a Global Messenger for Special Olympics, and I am responsible for being an emcee for the opening ceremonies. I also enjoy playing the saxophone.

I became a Main Street member because of an excellent friend and Special Olympics coach John Bogasky. Main Street means to me building strong friendships, inclusion for all, opportunities to open frontiers and horizons where you get to see the rainbow and sun everyday day when you wake up. It means wonderful team members that are caring as a big happy family. I am grateful to be a member of Main Street. I believe Main Street is here to stay strong and remain strong.