Hi. My name is Justin Salzberg and I am 20 years old. I have an older brother, Noah, and a younger sister, Ally. I am a member of Main Street and graduating Ivymount and Thomas Edison School of Technology in late May/June of this year.
Recently I took a train to Charlottesville, VA, all by myself for the first time to see my brother at college and had an awesome time there. College life is fun! I am really excited for independent living. I hope to live at Main Street one day soon and have a roommate and enjoy all the amenities that Main Street will offer me. I know that by living at Main Street I will meet new people and new friends and have places to hang out. I will also live by the Metro and that will give me more independence to do things I like. I look forward to meeting all of the Main Street members and being part of Main Street in the future.